Online diabetes education courses available for people with diabetes in Somerset
We have courses for people with:
- Type 1 diabetes
- Type 2 diabetes
- Gestational diabetes
- Those at risk of developing type 2
The aim of these courses is to help support you and your needs, to encourage you to set goals, and to build your knowledge and confidence around the management of your diabetes.
11 of our courses are QISMET accredited. We also have 2 new courses. Take a look and see what is on offer:

Growing Up with Type 1 Diabetes
This course provides information about living with diabetes and is especially aimed at young people/ teenagers, but might be useful for others facing new experiences, such as alcohol, sex, driving, going out, becoming an adult and leaving home. It is best completed after Understanding type 1

Carbohydrate Counting
Carbohydrate counting is a way of matching insulin requirements with the amount of carbohydrate that you eat or drink. The course is for people using either an insulin pump or multiple daily injections (MDI)/ basal-bolus short-acting insulin with meals and long-acting insulin once/twice a day. Most people who carbohydrate count have Type 1 diabetes.

FreeStyle Libre 2
This course, Freestyle Libre, is an introductory course that provides information about intermittently scanned glucose monitoring (isCGM) and the Freestyle Libre. It is aimed at anyone diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, that is using or would like to start using an isCGM glucose monitor.