Learn Diabetes
Browse the different areas of diabetes below, or you can search for a specific type of resource.
![Image for What is Diabetes?](/media/1355/results-what-is-diabetes.png)
What is Diabetes?
This section explains what type 1, type 2 and other types of diabetes, such as MODY and LADA, are. It covers what care you should expect to receive, the different treatments for each type of diabetes and what resources are available for you
![Image for My Baby](/media/1357/results-my-baby.png)
My Baby
This section will explain how diabetes can affect pregnancy, how you can reduce the risks in pregnancy to you and your baby, what things you need to think about before becoming pregnant and what care you should receive, both during pregnancy and afterwards.
![Image for My Complications](/media/1358/results-my-complications.png)
My Complications
Diabetes can cause problems with a lot of different areas of your body, including your eyes, feet, kidneys, heart and mental health. In this section, you can find out more about these problems and how to reduce your risk of developing them.
![Image for My Glucose](/media/1359/results-my-glucose.png)
My Glucose
Find out more about blood glucose monitoring, targets and short term consequences of low blood glucose levels (hypoglycaemia) and high blood glucose levels (hyperglycaemia).
![Image for My Kids / Young Adults](/media/1360/results-my-kids.png)
My Kids / Young Adults
This section contains information about diabetes for children, young adults and their carers.
![Image for My Lifestyle](/media/1367/results-lifestyle-icon.png)
My Lifestyle
Diet and activity are key for diabetes management- here we present guidance on these and how diabetes may impact on work, social life, travel and driving.
![Image for My Story](/media/1361/results-my-story.png)
My Story
This section contains diaries, testimonials and videos of patients living with diabetes sharing their experiences and challenges they have encountered since diagnosis.
![Image for My Treatments](/media/1362/results-my-treatment.png)
My Treatments
Increase your knowledge of the various diabetes treatments. Learn about how to administer medications, both insulin and non-insulin treatments.
![Image for My Languages](/media/1523/results-my-language.png)
My Languages
This section contains diabetes resources supporting non-English languages and people from ethnic minority groups.