All children and young people with type 1 diabetes and their families should have access to high-quality care and be under the remit of a children’s diabetes service. Diabetes UK has outlined what essential measures you should expect for your child’s diabetes care which you can read in the resources below.
Award-winning has a range of specialist community resources and a self-management App that is available to all young people and their families free of charge and supported by the NHS Diabetes Programme.
The website is very comprehensive and houses everything from:
- Carb Counted Video Recipes
- Key Stage specific Schools and Teachers resources
- Age-appropriate Structured Education and Video stories
All resources are made by the Digibete community and clinically approved by their partners at Leeds Children's Hospital Diabetes Team. The DigiBete App is available to all patients and families in England and Wales. For more information click here.
Every school should have a medical condition at school policy which is updated annually so they know what medical condition pupils have, such as diabetes, and what treatment they may require.
If you have any questions or concerns, then it’s always best to contact the school directly so you can feel confident that staff have a good understanding of diabetes and what care they may need to provide.
To find out more about children and diabetes, register for our BERTIE Understanding Type 1 Diabetes online course. There is also a list of additional resources about children and diabetes below.
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We believe that everyone who knows a child, of any age, should be aware of the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes - the 4 Ts
The video features children living with type 1 diabetes and showing the most common symptoms of the condition. About 2,000 children a year are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in the UK.
The Type 1 essentials for children and young people outline the 10 things any parent should expect from their child's diabetes care. It includes the care, checks and help that the child or family need to make sure their condition is managed well - in hospital, school and wider society.
Providing rights-based information and support to make sure your child is happy and healthy at school (and that you know their rights)
DigiBete is a video web platform and App designed to help support children, young people and families self-manage their own Type 1 Diabetes by extending the reach of clinical teams online. Their resources offer digital education, awareness, training and support to patients and families living with T…